Raising money for ‘Beating Bowel Cancer’
Bowel cancer is the UK’s second biggest cause of deaths. Around 1 in 18 people will get bowel cancer and, of the 100 people diagnosed every day, almost half will die of the disease. Yet, in over 90% of cases, bowel cancer could be treated successfully if diagnosed early, which is why raising awareness is so important.
Beating Bowel Cancer is a national charity for those affected by bowel cancer and is dedicated to raising awareness of the symptoms and ultimately saving more livings.
To find out more please visit the Beating Bowel Cancer main Website, please click here
Beating Bowel Cancer are running Decembeard, a hair-raising way to draw attention to the UK’s second biggest cancer killer – and to help raise much-needed funds.
In aid of this worthy cause our Head of Wellbeing, Brian Taylor is stepping up to the mark. Apparently this will be the very first time in Brian’s life that he has grown a beard ! Brian is to grow a full beard albeit to raise a little bit of money for a cancer charity.
If you care to sponsor Brian just a few of your hard earned pounds then please visit his JustGiving page by: Clicking here
Your support is greatly appreciated, many thanks.