How to reduce absenteeism in the workplace?

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By: Adam Smith

In: Latest News

Absenteeism may not seem problematic in the beginning. A small workforce mixed with life’s unexpected moments sees people taking time off. The problem with absenteeism begins when regular absence from work becomes a pattern.

How can you best use absence management to mitigate absenteeism? Consider taking the following steps.

  1. Explore flexible schedules and remote work

Absenteeism becomes less of a problem when companies empower employees with flexible schedules. More specific is the introduction of remote work.
Benefits of remote work are well-documented:

  • Increased employee retention and reduced stress
  • Improved output and workplace productivity

Telecommuting can reduce unscheduled absences. This is because many absences are often for personal reasons (not sick days). Remote work removes much of the reasoning why people may take a day off.

  1. Introduce a return-to-work interview routine

Even a day or two off can offset an employee returning to work. A lot may change during that time. Introducing a program that eases them back into their role. This return-to-work interview may reduce absenteeism:

  • Show the company cares for their well-being by checking on them
  • Understand the reason for the absence and discuss details of a fit note
  • Explain how they can improve and potential disciplinary actions
  • Make the necessary arrangements as they return to work
  • One could use absence management tools to automate these processes.
  1. Improve employee and workplace well-being

Happy employees are those excited for work. A company providing for physical and mental well-being will see a productive workforce. The improved well-being means fewer sick days and reasons for calling out.

A company hub offers a way to manage employee participation in wellness programs. The tool would offer better communication with the team and in meeting their needs.

  1. Provide balance, rewards, and recognition

An organisation should offer a reward program for regular attendance.

Excellent staff management begins by recognising the good work done by employees. One should explore improving employee satisfaction as a way to encourage being present. Introducing Employee Assistance Programmes to offer is a great way to provides confidential advice, practical information, support and counselling to employees’ on a wide range of personal and work-related issues.

  1. Use robust absence management tools

Spend less time in the employee data and more time with the employee. After all, you’re working with people trying to find a work/life balance, not robots.

Absence management tools let managers and HR software offer data-driven evaluations. This provides a better feedback loop vs outlining or reprimanding off-the-cuff.

Absence management is critical for productivity

A business without absence management will find operations in chaos. The workplace and its drive dwindle due to illness and the like. It’s important, as an HR manager, to rein in before it’s out of control.

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