Occupational Health Services

Delivering the full range of occupational health services nationwide

Valentine OH are experts in reviewing and recommending preventative occupational health and related services. We can review your current practice and work alongside clients to build an effective barrier to limit absence within the workplace.

You may be looking for a structured contractual arrangement or simply looking to organise an ad hoc assessment. At Valentine we are flexible and offer a solution or option that works best for you.

Take a look at a number of our core services below.

“We were very impressed with the service and the report produced. The support provided and the case itself was concluded very swiftly”

Accounts & HR Manager | Birmingham Engineering Co

Our Services

Drug & Alcohol Testing

Alcohol and drug use can create challenges for businesses large and small for many industry sectors.

Employee Assistance Programme

Give your employees access to 24/7 emotional and psychological support. Boost productivity and staff wellbeing.

Health Screening

Health Screening can incorporate many different types of assessment: both in person at the workplace, in a nearby clinic or even electronically via questionnaire completion.

Health Surveillance

Health Surveillance and staying up to date with legislation can be a minefield for organisations.


With 1 in 7 people (more than 15% of people in the UK) being neurodiverse (ACAS), this is a significant proportion of your current and potential workforce.

New Starter Questionnaire

Also known as pre-placement questionnaires, get fast paperless screening of your new employees with a New Starter Health Questionnaire. Fitness-for-work certificates and adjustment recommendations.

Occupational Health Assessment

What is an Occupational Health Assessment? An Occupational Health Assessment, conducted by an Occupational Health Physician, evaluates an employee’s health in relation to their role.


Physiotherapy is an important benefit to support an effective return to work or help maintain employee health in role; especially within manual roles.

Sickness Absence Management

Employee sickness absence can have a huge effect on the cost to an organisation. However with correct sickness absence management, this can have a positive outcome for both employer & employee.

Student Screening

For universities, we provide a comprehensive New Student Health Questionnaire service, which includes: Immunisation Checks, Blood Tests, & Fitness Assessments


Every year working days are lost due to the flu epidemic. This can be prevented in many cases by vaccination. Immunisation evidence checking for key job roles is also offered.

Wellbeing Programmes

Wellness Programmes are becoming more popular as employers realise investing in an employees health and wellbeing can prove an invaluable investment to aid workers physical and mental health, improving productivity, engaging staff and morale.

Whistle-blowing Service

‘Whistle Line’ is our independent and confidential whistle blowing service. The service can generally be used by anyone to report corruption, wrong-doing or fraud by an organisation or individuals within an organisation.

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