Fitness and Motivation

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By: Adam Smith

In: Latest News

Fitness and Motivation – How to Stay Motivated on our Fitness Journey

Fitness is a momentous task, whether we’re looking to lose weight ahead of our holidays, or for when stepping on our scale is becoming a daunting process. Most of us have been there, wondering how to stay motivated. Watching the number on a scale go down can be akin to watching paint dry, when no matter how much effort you put in, you might be seeing little progress. The slow burn of body fat can be an excruciating process, that saps our patience and motivation.

Keeping motivated is the biggest challenge to any fitness goal. Losing weight quickly turns from what looks like a fight with our physical self, to a fight with our mental self, as we struggle to get out of bed in the early morning or off the sofa late at night. It’s crucial that we find ways to fight off the obstacles in our own heads and looks towards ways of how to stay motivated.


“The first step is the hardest” can be a phrase overused, but the most challenging part of any fitness goal is just beginning it in the first place. But once you make that first step, you’re much more likely to get into a routine and feel engaged with what you are doing. Motivation is easiest when there is as little friction as possible, between you and getting out to work out. This friction can be reduced by making things as easy as possible, for example packing your workout clothes ready for the gym hours beforehand.

Motivation is one of the biggest factors stopping us from being active, so when we put the work in and don’t see immediate results, it can be difficult to keep going. The best step to take is by setting realistic goals to work towards. Scheduling physical activity like an appointment is also key, but make sure to schedule your activity to what suits you best, whether it’s the morning, afternoon, evening, or the workout itself.

Reflect on Past Efforts

It’s a certainty that throughout your transition towards a healthy or your ideal weight, that you’ll face some level of challenges. If you have attempted a weight loss journey before, it’s worth looking back on what led to stopping or slowing down. Many people reach weight loss success, only to drop out and revert to their old habits and lifestyle. We can chalk most of it down to shortfalls in motivation, whether we lost focus on what worked, or we weren’t using the right motivation in the first place. It can be demoralising, especially when we’ve made progress only to watch it crumble away.

What do you think happened that hindered your progression during previous weight loss efforts? How can you adapt your journey this time? It’s important we focus on what works for us, whether it’s the type of exercise we’re doing or the steps leading up to our time being active.

Supporting Yourself

Although getting out and being active has clear benefits to our mental health, for many of us it can be easier said than done. With the rise of working from home, a lot of us can feel isolated, working longer hours and an ‘always on’ working culture. Along with balancing personal responsibilities, getting active is often the last thing on our mind. But physical activity can be a great antidote for lifting mood, easing depression, anxiety, and stress. Even small changes can make a huge difference in our mental health. The best first step to take is by setting small, realistic, and measurable goals which you can check off one by one. There’s also a wealth of technology to help you hold yourself accountable, such as fitness trackers. It’s important to ease yourself into a physical routine, increasing intensity gradually, even taking shorter workouts to begin with.

Celebrate your Successes

Weight loss does not happen overnight, and as disheartening as it may be to not see immediate visible results. Avoid depending on the scale to celebrate your successes, as our weight can fluctuate constantly throughout the day, depending on our diet but also on how much we’re drinking, how much sleep we get and what time we’re consuming meals. Our weight goes up and down day by day, even if you’re measuring at the same time each day. Instead, weigh yourself once every week and make slight adjustments in your routine if need be. You can also take before and after pictures, to get an idea of what changes are occurring which you might not notice.

Make sure to be your own cheerleader! Self-talk has been found to be critical to our mindset, with negative reflectiveness leading to negative movements. Instead, use positive self- talk to motivate yourself and celebrate what you’ve accomplished so far!

Supporting Other’s Success

At times, almost everyone can use a personal cheerleader. Encouragement, inspiration, and celebration are critical in motivating ourselves and others to keep progressing. Cheering on our friends is a great way to show support, and it’s easy to do. Make sure to be open and listen. For some, being active is a big change and applauding it will help reinforce their decision to be active. Listen to their challenges, brainstorm ideas, and celebrate their progress. You can even join them and be active together!



If you need help finding motivation, whether you’re struggling to take the first step or you’ve gotten into a rut, Valentine Occupational Health is here to help. We can offer support for any mental and physical queries, so if you need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact the team for more details on 0800 020 9913 or


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