Of course this is not aimed at you as an individual!
More often than not a business does not recognise the signs that they have a problem with substance addiction, generally, this only becomes recognisable when it’s too late.
We don’t have a substance misuse problem… How can you be sure?
We only employ professionals, they would never have an issue with any substance… How can you be so sure?
Do you recognise these very bold statements? As a business we hear this on a daily basis but take a look at the following facts;
More than a quarter of men report that they drink over the recommended maximum 21 units of alcohol a week, while 17% of women consume over the 14 recommended units of alcohol for their gender
36% of 16- to 59-year-olds have used one or more illicit drugs in their lifetime, with 12% having used an illicit drug at least once in the last year.
Among 16- to 24-year-olds, 28% have used an illicit drug in the previous 12 months
Across the UK, drug-related crime, sickness and absenteeism costs in excess of £20 billion a year (Home Office figure).
In a report from charity Drugscope published in 2000, 27% of employers reported problems due to drug misuse.
“London is awash with cocaine,” says Geraint Anderson, a former stock-picker at Dresdner Kleinwort and author of Cityboy: Beer And Loathing In The Square Mile. “In my 12-year banking career one of the things I saw was that there was less professionalism, and more drug-taking in London than in any other city.” – So much for professionals being exempt!
For any organisation, large or small, the inappropriate use of drugs in the workplace can lead to serious consequences. These include increased accidents, poor work performance, lateness, increased sickness absence and reduced productivity.