Sepsis occurs when the body’s immune system begins damaging its own tissues and organs in response to an infection. If not treated quickly, sepsis can lead to organ failure and even death. It is important to raise awareness for this disease as it is very easy to prevent yet is still kills at least 11 million people yearly around the world.
Infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, seasonal flu, and COVID-19 can all lead to sepsis. Anyone is at risk of developing sepsis, though it is more likely in those who have already weakened immune systems. It is essential to seek urgent medical help should you experience the following:
- Slurred speech or confusion
- Extreme shivering or muscle pain
- Passing no urine (in a day)
- Severe breathlessness*
- It feels like you’re going to die
- Skin mottled or discoloured
The lasting effects of sepsis may be a loss of limbs, poor memory, and PTSD.
The best way to prevent an infection from leading to sepsis is to prevent the infection from developing in the first place. This can be achieved through vaccinations (namely Pneumococcal and Flu vaccines) and maintaining good hygiene, especially in hospitals.
For more information about how Valentine Occupational Health can provide specific vaccinations for your workplace see the link below:
For further information regarding World Sepsis Day and raising awareness, please see the links to charities below: