Goal setting to aid change should be broken down further to help reach these small A, B and C checkpoints, this method is known as S.M.A.R.T goal setting.
Specific: This component of SMART goals is to ensure that you have a mission goal, and this should help you evaluate WHO should be involved; WHAT you are trying to achieve; WHERE this can be achieved i.e. locations; WHICH obstacles may you face and WHY are you setting goal, what is the underling motive.
Measurable: What metrics are you going to use to measure the progress of your goal, will this goal take months, if so, break it down, if this goal Is smaller, how are you measuring, is it by numbers i.e. losing weight, more healthier meals or making more networking contacts.
Achievable: Make sure the goal you are setting is achievable. Use these goals to reignite motivation and the checkpoints should be used as a kickboard to push you on to the larger goals that will help you adapt your lifestyle change. Ensure that these goals are not set to high as this will deter you from moving forwards, if you perceive It to be too much of a challenge or unattainable, evaluate and break it down further.
Relevant: Ensure that your bitesize goal is relevant to your larger goal, i.e. if your main goal is to improve sales in your business, setting smaller goals such as increasing hours in the gym or decorating the office would not positively affect the larger goal as your time will be stretched even further. Smaller goals such as; achieve 25 cold calls a week or follow up with every lead within 48 hours would help achieve this sales growth as it is relevant.
Time: Make sure the time scale you set is realistic. This is hugely important as this does not only act as motivation by improving the sense of urgency, but if the timing is off you can also bury yourself in pressure if the timing is unrealistic.
Motivation is not mandatory, get it done!
If everybody waited to be motivated, nobody would get anything completed. Motivation or the overriding feeling of willpower can be of huge benefit when trying to attain anything. However, motivation comes and goes and most times out of ten, motivation is disguised as excitement and if you evaluate most times when you feel unmotivated, you’re just actually bored. By setting a goal or plan helps you to keep ticking things off your checklist and this enables the snowball effect to occur. Ensure your regular small goals and checkpoints reignite your excitement and enhance your ‘motivation’ to deter any chance of a stall in progress.
As previously alluded to, Lifestyle changes can be daunting and in some cases be invisible to the naked eye. Some people prefer to bury their head in the sand; some people actively try to change but they do not have the tools to do so and others simply do not have the time to step back and evaluate their life to see where progress can be made. This blog has hopefully acted as a notification for you to think, step back and evaluate your own life to see if you can embrace change. Additionally, these tips and hints on to how to start your journey with SMART goals should provide food for thought for you to start thinking about goals to breakdown and achieve.
Thank you for taking your time reading this, SET GOALS, EMBRACE CHANGE!